4Life Guarantee

All TYGRIS products are covered by our TYGRIS 4Life Guarantee, providing 100% satisfaction for both our distributors and end-users alike. 

The Guarantee


TYGRIS – “It’s all about product effectiveness and 100% user satisfaction.”

It’s guaranteed! Why? Because product effectiveness is your number 1 purchasing criteria. 

Recent engagement with industrial users showed that their main purchasing criteria is product effectiveness. TYGRIS are committed to delivering products that meet and exceed customer and end user expectations every time.

TYGRIS offer all users the 4 Life Guarantee. It’s simple – 100% satisfaction or replacement. We accept returns on all unopened and unused full box quantity orders, simply let us know within the 14 days following the arrival of your delivery to arrange a FREE collection service. Please note that all enquires made after the 14 day period we cannot offer free collection. 

Look out for the 4 Life Guarantee logo... the mark of Quality Assurance printed on all TYGRIS packaging.


The TYGRIS Commitment


All TYGRIS products go through a stringent quality assurance process to maintain a consistent and reliable supply. Our ISO 9001 : 2008 accreditation ensures that all procedures are carried out to recognised standards.


Product conformance and legislation is continually checked, implemented and adhered to, ensuring TYGRIS only supplies customers with products that are both safe and legal. COSHH and technical data is available and updated regularly on all products.


TYGRIS aerosol cans are made from steel tinplate or aluminium, both of which are fully recyclable.


Environmental standards are highly respected. Many TYGRIS products are manufactured to ISO 14001 : 2004 accredited procedures minimising impact to the environment throughout production processes.





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